Java 教程是为 JDK 8 编写的。本页中描述的示例和实践未利用在后续版本中引入的改进。
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) provides a fast and convenient way to bind XML schemas and Java representations, making it easy for Java developers to incorporate XML data and processing functions in Java applications. As part of this process, JAXB provides methods for unmarshalling (reading) XML instance documents into Java content trees, and then marshalling (writing) Java content trees back into XML instance documents. JAXB also provides a way to generate XML schema from Java objects.
JAXB 2.0 includes several important improvements to JAXB 1.0:
This lesson describes the JAXB architecture, functions, and core concepts, and provides examples with step-by-step procedures for using JAXB.