Java 教程是为 JDK 8 编写的。本页中描述的示例和实践未利用在后续版本中引入的改进。
XML, Schema, and XSLT standards support the following constructs that require external resources. The default behavior of the JDK XML processors is to make a connection and fetch the external resources as specified.
- External DTD: references an external Document Type Definition (DTD), example: <!DOCTYPE root_element SYSTEM "url">
- External Entity Reference: refer to external data, syntax: <!ENTITY name SYSTEM "url">
General entity reference such as the following:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE doc [<!ENTITY otherFile SYSTEM "otherFile.xml">]>
- External Parameter Entities, syntax <!ENTITY % name SYSTEM uri>. 例如:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!ENTITY % foo SYSTEM ""<
- XInclude: include an external infoset in an XML document
- Reference to XML Schema components using schemaLocation attribute, and import and include elements. Example: schemaLocation=""
- Combining style sheets using import or include elements: syntax: <xsl:include href="include.xsl"/>
- xml-stylesheet processing instruction: used to include a stylesheet in an xml document, syntax:
- XSLT document() function: used to access nodes in an external XML document. For example, <xsl:variable name="dummy" select="document('DocumentFunc2.xml')"/>.