
Java™ 教程-Java Tutorials 中文版

路径:用于 XML 处理的 Java API(JAXP)

The Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) trail provides an introduction to Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.4 technology, via examples of JAXP applications.

Before You Read This Tutorial

To make full use of the information in the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) Tutorial, you should have knowledge of the following technology:

Some prior knowledge of DOM and SAX is assumed. Only code that is specific to the JAXP API is examined in detail in this tutorial.

Trail iconJAXP 简介provides a brief description of the JAXP technology, including its purpose and principal features.

Trail icon简单的 XML APIintroduces a concept used in the JAXP technology, the Simple API for XML (SAX): when to use SAX, how to parse an XML file, how to implement SAX validation, how to run the SAX parser, and how to handle lexical events. Links for further information are provided.

Trail icon文档对象模型introduces the tree structure used by the Document Object Model (DOM) and shows you how to use the DOM functions to create nodes, remove nodes, change the contents of the nodes, and to traverse the node hierarchy.

Trail icon可扩展样式表语言转换includes information on how to write a Document Object Model as an XML file, and how to generate a DOM from an arbitrary data file in order to convert it to XML.

Trail icon用于 XML 的流式 APIfocuses a streaming Java technology-based, event-driven, pull-parsing API for reading and writing XML documents. StAX enables you to create bidirectional XML parsers that are fast, relatively easy to program, and have a light memory footprint.

Trail iconJAXP 1.5 和新属性introduces properties that have been added to 7u40 and JDK8.

Trail icon处理限制discusses JAXP implementation limits, including three that were added in 7u45.

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