
Java™ 教程-Java Tutorials 中文版
"Hello World!" for Solaris OS and Linux
Trail: Getting Started
Lesson: The "Hello World!" Application

"Hello World!" for Solaris OS and Linux

现在是编写第一个应用程序的时候了!These detailed instructions are for users of Solaris OS and Linux. Instructions for other platforms are in "Hello World!" for Microsoft Windows and "Hello World!" for the NetBeans IDE.

如果你在本页面上遇到问题,请参阅 Common Problems (and Their Solutions)

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  1. The Java SE Development Kit 8 (JDK 8)

    You can download the Solaris OS or Linux version now. (请确保你下载 JDK不是 JRE。)请参阅 installation instructions

  2. 一个文本编辑器

    In this example, we'll use Pico, an editor available for many UNIX-based platforms. You can easily adapt these instructions if you use a different text editor, such as vi or emacs.



你的第一个应用程序 HelloWorldApp 将只显示问候语 "Hello world!"。要创建此程序,你将:



First, open a shell, or "terminal," window.

A new terminal window.

A new terminal window.

When you first bring up the prompt, your current directory will usually be your home directory. You can change your current directory to your home directory at any time by typing cd at the prompt and then pressing Return.

The source files you create should be kept in a separate directory. You can create a directory by using the command mkdir. For example, to create the directory examples/java in the /tmp directory, use the following commands:

cd /tmp
mkdir examples
cd examples
mkdir java

To change your current directory to this new directory, you then enter:

cd /tmp/examples/java

Now you can start creating your source file.

Start the Pico editor by typing pico at the prompt and pressing Return. If the system responds with the message pico: command not found, then Pico is most likely unavailable. Consult your system administrator for more information, or use another editor.

When you start Pico, it'll display a new, blank buffer. This is the area in which you will type your code.

Type the following code into the new buffer:

 * The HelloWorldApp class implements an application that
 * simply prints "Hello World!" to standard output.
class HelloWorldApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!"); // Display the string.

Be Careful When You Type uppercase letter A   lowercase letter A

注意: 完全按照所示键入所有代码,命令和文件名。编译器(javac)和启动器(java)都是 case-sensitive,因此你必须一致地大写。

HelloWorldApphelloworldapp 相同。

将代码保存在名为 HelloWorldApp.java 的文件中。In the Pico editor, you do this by typing Ctrl-O and then, at the bottom where you see the prompt File Name to write:, entering the directory in which you wish to create the file, followed by HelloWorldApp.java. For example, if you wish to save HelloWorldApp.java in the directory /tmp/examples/java, then you type /tmp/examples/java/HelloWorldApp.java and press Return.

You can type Ctrl-X to exit Pico.

将源文件编译为 .class 文件

Bring up another shell window. 要编译源文件,请将当前目录更改为文件所在的目录。For example, if your source directory is /tmp/examples/java, type the following command at the prompt and press Return:

cd /tmp/examples/java

If you enter pwd at the prompt, you should see the current directory, which in this example has been changed to /tmp/examples/java.

If you enter ls at the prompt, you should see your file.

Results of the ls command, showing the .java source file.

Results of the ls command, showing the .java source file.

Now are ready to compile the source file. At the prompt, type the following command and press Return.

javac HelloWorldApp.java

编译器生成了一个字节码文件 HelloWorldApp.class。At the prompt, type ls to see the new file that was generated: the following figure.

Results of the ls command, showing the generated .class file.

Results of the ls command, showing the generated .class file.

既然你有一个 .class 文件,你可以运行你的程序。

如果你在此步骤中遇到问题,请参阅 Common Problems (and Their Solutions)


In the same directory, enter at the prompt:

java HelloWorldApp

The next figure shows what you should now see.

The output prints Hello World! to the screen.

The output prints "Hello World!" to the screen.


如果你在此步骤中遇到问题,请参阅 Common Problems (and Their Solutions)

Previous page: "Hello World!" for Microsoft Windows
Next page: A Closer Look at the "Hello World!" Application